Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On our way home

We are currently sitting in the airport awaiting our flight home! As of right now we are scheduled to arrive at 5:40! Our flight number is 255 and we are flying Jet Blue.


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 4 and 5

Sorry for not posting yesterday, but we had a full day. We got up in the morning and went to church. Sean talked about heroes in the Bible and looked at the story of Mary washing Jesus' feet in all four of the Gospels.

After that we took a quick trip to Plymouth Rock! Although we didn't act out when the pilgrims first landed it was a pretty historical time. It was beautiful there, so anytime you are in MA you should stop by.

After that we went an hung out with their youth group. They had just gotten back from camp, and it was really cool to hear about the things God is doing in their lives. We also had a small dance party and just enjoyed hanging out.

Today we had a marathon day of site seeing! We went around Boston and saw some pretty historic places!

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 3

Today we made popcorn and cotton candy in preparation for the big Madagascar Movie Night in Randolph! We helped load the trailer and make sure we had all the supplied for face painting, snowcones, and other fun things.

At 6 people started showing up at the park and the event went into full swing! We had a blast making cotton candy, painting faces, making grape and strawberry snowcones and hanging out on the Jolly Jumps (we call them inflatables haha)! It was cool to serve alongside the people of Grace church! Here's the pictures from today!

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 2

Day 2 here in Boston has come and gone! We spent the whole day going door to door passing out cards with Grace Churches information on it! We walked miles upon miles it was pretty awesome! Here are some pictures from last night and today!

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Boston Day 1

Day one in Boston is coming to a close! Today we met up with Ken and Sean the Pastors of Grace Church here in Stoughton, MA. Sean spent some time talking with our team about the surrounding area. While typical gospel centered churches in the states normally have an average attendance is 100 at any given service, however here in Boston the average is 40!

We spent today handing out water bottles in downtown Stoughton. We handed out over 500 bottles of water today, and had alot of good conversations with a bunch of the people!

After that we were able to go see the Red Sox play at Fenway! It was awesome! Boston traffic= not so awesome.

Here's some pictures from today.

Pray for us as we continue to serve the people in this community. Tomorrow we are planning on handing out more water bottles and hopefully handing out flyers for the movie night we are helping Grace put on! Pray for endurance and that we have some great conversations as we interact with people this week!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Arrived early

We arrived 50 minutes early! Yea American!

Baggage claim D27

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At the airport

We made it through security. Waiting for the flight.

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